Bedworth Lions Club Lions Den - Results

Quote from a guest - "Probably the best thing Lions Clubs have done for some time"

On Friday 17th March Bedworth Ex-servicemen’s Club produced the first ever Lion’s Den finals. Bedworth Lions organised this competition and shortlisted 5 local projects to compete for a prize pot of £7000. Three Lions were joined in the Den by
two members of Nuneaton Round Table, which now incorporates Bedworth Roundtable. Round table increased the prize pot by a very generous £2000 - Thank you!

The evening was hosted by Brody Swain, BBC-CW presenter.
Musical entertainment was provided by Ella-May Stanier, who was sponsored by the Weaver’s Arms, Bulkington. Nuneaton and Bedworth Deputy Mayor Bill Hancox, was the honoured guest, presenting awards.

Bulkington Sports Club received a total of £700 to help improve their facilities.
This spilt between the cricket & football teams. This will go towards replacing lighting & upgrading changing facilities
Friday Friend’s Dementia Café, based once a month in Bulkington Conference Centre were awarded £1000 to enable them to purchase instruments and equipment for musical therapy.

St. James Academy, Bulkington were given £1300 to build a bridge/dipping platform for their wildlife garden.
St Michael’s Children’s Centre, Bedworth, received £1500 helping to extend their community café.
Warwickshire Young Carers received the top prize of £2500 to take a group of young carers on a residential break.

Also Lion President Eric gave an additional £1000.00 to help the children in their role as carers, recognising their invaluable work.

It's not not all about money.
Lion Brian, for once lost for words, receiving a chevron denoting 25 years service to Lions clubs.
The Lions Den team

Deputy Mayor Councilor Bill Hancox, Lion President Eric, Brody Swaine, Lion Denise, Round Tabler Kevin, Lion Brian, Round Tabler John
We can smile now it's over & a success.

This event probably would not have taken place without the input from, at the time, our newest Lion, Lion Denise, and the confidence of Lion Eric driving it along.  FANTABULOSA!
A big THANK YOU to all who helped make this the super event that it was. Those who didn't quite make it to the finals better luck next time.

And finally - Yes! a certain Lord was at the event as promised, did you spot him?

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