Bedworth Lions Club - Latest News & Notices

Bedworth Lions Club - Latest News & Notices
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Grant received from Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme

A substantial grant has been received from The Local Welfare Trust Scheme
This will help Bedworth Lions Club assist local families in need.

Lion President Eric with his Melvyn Jones Fellowship Award

Very Well deserved lion Eric!

Lion President Eric with his Melvyn Jones Fellowship Award

Lion Brian  -   30 Years & Counting

Lion Brian with a memento of his 30 years service, kindly donated by Bedworth Lions club.

Bedworth lions  -   During & After the COVID Crisis

During the crisis it has been very different, whilst offering our usual support to individuals & families in need we have been involved additionally supporting the packing, delivery & supply of food parcels for several local organisations.
Our meetings have been virtual, on line & by telephone making some of our work quite difficult.
We cancelled the Civic Bonfire in the miners Welfare Park in accordance with government guidelines.
By the good grace of the police & local authorities we did manage to bring some Christmas cheer by running the Santa Sleigh in a very 'non-contact' way.

At the time of this post - The bonfire is back, styled as Bedworth Charity Bonfire,
on the 6th November 2021. please support this as very many have in the past.
You may have seen us at Bedworth market promoting the men's mental health service we are supporting & promoting; a valuable service to all the men in & around Bedworth.
We hope now to continue as always for the past many decades supporting you in our community.


April 2020 sees a departure from our regular meetings on the second Monday
of each month. Meeting to be held on the second Tuesday of each month, at The Bedworth Exservicemens Club.

Mayors Appeal 2018 - 2019 - Doorway Cheque Presentation

February 2019 saw Lion President Eric present the Mayor Councillor, Chris Watkins with a cheque for £500. This for the Mayor's chosen charity this year Doorway. Doorway a local charity supporting younger homeless people.
Eric was accompanied by Lion Ian & Lion Brian at the Mayor' parlour for this event.

Mayor Councillor, Chris Watkins receiving a cheque £500 from Lion President Eric Tunnicliffe

Buckingham Palace  -  Countess of Wessex  Lions Reception

Lion Brian, representing Bedworth Lions Club was amongst the Lion guests at Buckingham Palace on the 28th February 2018.
The Countess of Wessex is Patron to Lions Clubs in the UK. The event was to celebrate 100 years of Lionism. At the event The Countess of Wessex was awarded a Melvyn Jones Fellowship.


Thanks to this appeal a gentleman has come forward in July 2017 with vital information in locating these machines; this we hope is the start of recovering them.

On behalf of a friend, we are looking or any information regarding 2 vintage Aermacchi racing motorcycles
One was a racing machine identified by a picture of the cartoon cat Sylvester on the tank.
Has anyone any information whatsoever, such as the bill of sale old photographs did you know the owner during the machines racing lives?
We are actually looking for 2 machines, a 250cc Aermacchi, frame number 141079, a 350cc Aermaccchi frame number 171011.
Two names have also been suggested in this enquiry - Bob Birch from Ross Motors and also Pat Hollick, if any one has any information as to how we can locate these two gentlemen, who may have some information please contact us.

If you can help please e mail Bedworth Lions Cub.
Please copy this request and pass it on.

Melvin Jones Fellows -  Lion John Neale MJF & Lion Steve Allen MJF

A Melvin Jones fellowship is the highest Lions honour a club can bestow on a Lions Club member.
In May 2016 Bedworth Lions club awarded Melvin Jones fellowships to it's 2 surviving charter members. Lions Steve & John founder members of Bedworth Lions Club and members of Lions Clubs International since 1977. At the time of presentation meant they had been serving the community of Bedworth & surrounding area for a total of 78 years between them.
Lion John has been President of the club twice, and for many years served as head of the welfare committee, helping to make often difficult decisions as how best to assist local individuals in need.
Lion Steve has been President of the club 3 times & held various posts, latterly the unenviable and often difficult task of being the Club secretary, a position that helps to hold the club together.

Lion Steve Allen receiving his Melvin Jones Fellowship from Lion President Alan Turner

Lion John Neale receiving his Melvin Jones Fellowship from Lion President Alan Turner

Congratulations to Lion John & Lion Steve on becoming Melvin Jones Fellows.- WELL DONE!

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